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⭕ Rattibha 2.0 | Twitter Threads Reimagined

Background — Twitter Threads

Twitter threads are a new type of narrative, to share your thoughts on a particular subject in an easy-to-digest format. The tweets are posted consecutively and provide information that is easily accessible.


Despite Twitter’s new character limit of 280, tweetstorms - i.e threads - remain in use. The feature has essentially become a Twitter convention at this point.

The Situation — Challenges

Rattibha enables users to read the best of Twitter's threads and knowledge bits. By enabling the community to fetch threads by mentioning the @Rattibha bot from Twitter and put them in an easy-to-read layout suitable to consume as long-form content. Moreover, it enables users to print, share, save and convert to PDF. All of this is offered to the world free of charge!

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> With 900k active users/month, Peaked at 2 Million/month, and a growing community of 487k followers list on Twitter → , Rattibha faced multiple challenges:


⛏️ Product Design Phases Breakdown

My spectrum of roles in the project

Whereas a product designer I needed to wear many hats, and sometimes wear two or more at the same time, from start to finish of the product, from strategy to delivering the interactive design.


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Product Ideation → Design Board


Strategy — Getting Stakeholders onboard


Research — Context Understanding

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