1. Kick-off Meeting w/ Client
  2. Current Assessment — Foundations
  3. Tactical Research Phase
  4. Competitor Analysis
  5. UX Inspirations
  6. â–ē Results & Deliverables

đŸ—ē Navigation & Outlines

<aside> ❔ Glossary

<aside> ⭕ Product


<aside> ⛏ī¸ Break Down


<aside> 🕹ī¸ Prototype


<aside> â–ļī¸ Demo Video



🕹 Full Interactive Prototype



Screenshots from the web app

read weekly themed featured threads by Rattibha curators

read weekly themed featured threads by Rattibha curators

view drafts and start scheduling

view drafts and start scheduling

write and publish your threads

write and publish your threads

save to your bookmarks

save to your bookmarks

read daily brew and curated tweets based on your activity & interaction

read daily brew and curated tweets based on your activity & interaction

Solution tree



Check months worth time-lapse of some of the workshops & UX design process under 30 seconds

Check months worth time-lapse of some of the workshops & UX design process under 30 seconds

thread editor

thread editor

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